Project Background
Working in partnership with the Building Trades Provincial Councils across Canada and a national network of diverse stakeholders, the project builds a common and regional recruitment strategy, provincial websites and social media content to recruit underrepresented populations into unionized construction opportunities in Canada. This project helps prospective candidates, including traditionally underrepresented groups, learn about the skilled trades and build their skills for successful careers in the unionized construction industry by exploring the skilled trades in Canada, accessing assessments and learning tools, and connecting directly with local unions.
Project funded by
This project is funded by The Government of Canada's Future Skills Program.

Project Outputs
The Virtual Recruitment project helps the unionized construction industry effectively recruit and prepare prospective candidates entering the skilled trades. Here are some of our project outputs.
Marketing and Recruitment Campaigns
Develop an innovative social media campaign with messaging strategies informed by behavioural insights and aligned with the unique needs of underrepresented groups.
Customized National and Provincial Microsites
Provide local and regional labour market information, knowledge and skills requirements to facilitate an informed career exploration in the trades while allowing users to connect to regions across Canada.
Assessment and Learning
Integrate a centralized learning hub with assessments and learning resources to help prepare users for entry into the trades.
Connection to Unions
Create a mechanism for users to be directed to local unions within their respective chosen trades.
Project Partners