Project Background
This project helps ensure greater consistency in the delivery of Skills for Success practitioner training. The new framework for professional development provides for regional flexibility and customization based on the needs of Skills for Success practitioners.
Ultimately, professionalizing the field of Skills for Success practitioners in Canada will ensure improved and more consistent outcomes for learners receiving Skills for Success training.
Project funded by
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Office of Skills for Success Program.
Project Outputs
This exciting new framework, along with several accompanying tools such as the self-assessment tools, digital resource library, training inventory and growth plan, were developed in partnership with the Skills for Success community across Canada. Here are some of our project outputs.
Framework for the Professional Development of Skills for Success Practitioners.
Professional Development
Aligned, enhanced and recommended set of professional development curricula, tools and resources.
Competency Assessment Tools
Set of competency assessment tools to evaluate Skills for Success practitioners’ skills relative to the framework.
A final report, including an analysis on findings from the project, recommendations for the implementation of a new framework for the professional development of Skills for Success practitioners and opportunities for scaling-up the model across Canada.
Project Partners