The Numeracy Rules kit includes one pocket guide, acetate rulers, and worksheets binder for practicing numeracy Essential Skills used by apprentices and journey-workers in the construction industry. The Numeracy Rules Pocket Guide is a quick reference for metric-Imperial conversions and frequently used formulas that fits in a pocket for handy use on the job and in the classroom. Use the acetate rulers’ unique multi-layer design to practice measuring, fractions, and conversions.

The Numeracy Rules worksheets provide real workplace problems and the opportunity to practice trades applications. The worksheets are integrated with the pocket guide and demonstrate how to use the two together.
The Imperial and metric measurement worksheets use the Numeracy Rules rulers to measure in both Imperial and metric, and to review fractions. Illustrations and diagrams are used to demonstrate equivalent fractions, and how to add and subtract fractions.

Instructors can order a class set for students.


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