Empower your workforce and enhance safety, quality and productivity with our Mentorship program.

Designed for apprentices and journeypersons, our industry-aligned mentorship program can be customized to meet your organization’s unique needs.

Build a high-quality workforce through effective mentorship.

  • Optimized knowledge and skill transfer between journeypersons and apprentices
  • Enhanced skills development, efficiency and safety
  • Improved workplace wellness and worker retention
  • Customized programming, delivery and ‘train-the-trainer’ tools

Mentorship Matters™ Benefits

Faster skills acquisition

Workers or ‘mentees’ who work with mentors acquire key competencies more quickly and effectively than those who don’t have mentors.

Increased productivity and safety

When apprentices learn from mentors, they are more productive workers and maintain higher safety standards.

Improved job satisfaction

Apprentices experience greater job satisfaction and take more pride in their work when they have the skills they need to succeed and the support from a qualified mentor.

Better hiring retention

The collected benefits of working with a mentor—including greater job satisfaction and more competence overall—make apprentices less likely to leave their programs or the trades.

Intergenerational communication

Mentorship Matters™ provides a clearly defined system for skills transfer, ensuring that essential knowledge is not lost between one generation of workers and the next.

The power of mentorship

Discover how the Mentorship Matters™ program can transform your organization! These statistics highlight the program’s effectiveness and the substantial return on investment that mentorship can offer.


Increase in the proper use of PPE


Reduction in complacency in health & safety procedures


Improvement in task efficiency


Reduction in downtime


Reduction in rework


$2 return on every $1 invested in mentorship training*

*The ROI study was conducted with a 3rd party research firm.  To access the full report please contact info@skillplan.ca

Improving safety, quality and productivity for your workforce.

Evidence shows our structured mentorship training program enhances efficient technical skills acquisition on the job and improves safety, productivity, quality and worker wellness.

Increases task efficiency and quality of work

Workers or ‘mentees’ who work with mentors acquire key competencies and skills more quickly and effectively than those who don’t have mentors — ensuring skills transfer between one generation and the next and improving the quality of work overall.

Improves productivity and safety performance

When apprentices learn the skills they need to succeed and have the support from a qualified mentor, they become more productive workers and maintain higher safety standards.

Enhances workplace wellness and relationships

Having a qualified mentor enhances connection, communication and a sense of belonging among workers. This working relationship built on mutual trust and respect can help decrease stress and anxiety on the job and improve workplace wellness.

Improves job satisfaction and worker retention

The collected benefits of working with a mentor — including greater job satisfaction, pride in work and more competence overall — make apprentices less likely to leave their programs or the trades.

Ready to get started?

Help your workers succeed with SkillPlan’s mentorship training. Complete the form and our experts will be in touch soon.

"*" indicates required fields


The impact of great mentoring.

Core mentorship training

The core of our Mentorship Matters program consists of two components to train your workers to be better mentors and/or apprentices on the job.

This will help reduce onboarding time for new workers, make the entire crew safer and more productive, and lower worker attrition.

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Component 1: Apprentices

Targeted at experienced workers, Component 2 provides late-term apprentices, journeypersons, foremen and above with the leadership skills, strategies and essential tools to mentor and effectively transfer their knowledge and skills to new workers on the jobsite.

Participants will:

  • Learn effective communication strategies, including intergenerational communication strategies, to maximize on-the-job learning opportunities
  • Identify various learning styles and associated strategies to gain the most from verbal and practical instruction
  • Understand and implement goal-setting techniques to enhance training


Component 2: Mentors

If you don’t have trainers available, we can provide a seasoned Mentorship Matters trainer to deliver core training sessions directly to your apprentices and journeypersons, on site at your location, or online.

Participants will:

  • Understand the responsibilities of a mentor and on-the-job leader and create a safe environment for new workers to practice their skills
  • Learn the six-step approach to teaching skills that includes techniques for demonstrating, evaluating and providing feedback, including intergenerational communication strategies
  • Improve skills transference and productivity of apprentices and new workers

Training delivery

The Mentorship Matters training program is available in three delivery modes to suit client needs.

Work With Us


Option 1: We train your trainers

To build your internal capacity, the Mentorship Matters team will train your trainers and provide the necessary tools and resources to ensure they are prepared to effectively deliver the core mentorship workshops directly to your workers.

Includes one-on-one training, instructor guides and presentation tools, and access to student training manuals, post training tools, impact surveys, a Mentorship Matters App and other post training tools all accessible through our Learning Management System.


Option 2: Online self-directed mentorship training

This online self-directed course allows participants to access and complete the course on their own. This option provides an easy way to integrate this training into your core program with no required instructional delivery.


Option 3: We deliver the mentorship training

If you don’t have trainers available, we can provide a seasoned Mentorship Matters trainer to deliver core training sessions directly to your apprentices and journeypersons, on site at your location, or online.

Our Mentorship Matters trainers all have their Red Seal and a Professional Instructor Diploma Certification.

Check out the mentorship mobile app

Track competencies

Track practical competencies for each level of your trade in your region.

Build mentorship skills

Build on mentorship skills and strengthen your communication skills.

Access learning

Link to resources to support block training including learning modules and videos.

Learn from mentors

Apprentices can invite mentors to assess their practical skills and provide feedback.

Endorse mentors

Assess mentors and provide endorsements for outstanding mentors.

Build connections

Connect with apprentices and mentors in the mentorship community right in the app.

Our Clients

Our workforce development programs help organizations reach their goals by providing start-to-finish assistance and guidance along the way. Here are just a few of the projects we’re proud to be a part of.

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